Islamic Social Services Association Inc. (ISSA) was established in 1999 at a meeting of 60 Muslim social workers, mental health professionals and counsellors in Washington D.C. Visionary founders of ISSA are: the late Dr. Maryam Funches, Dr. Aneesah Nadir, Dr. Bilquis Eltarab and Shahina Siddiqui. In 2003 ISSA split into 2 sister and independent organizations: one in the USA and one in Canada. ISSA Canada operates as a non-profit, charitable organization and carries a mission to provide family, health, and social welfare services inclusive of the many cultural and ethnic groups that comprise the Muslim community in North America.

Our Story
Building Bridges, Breaking Barriers, Facilitating Acess
Islamic Social Services Association Inc (ISSA) is established in at a meeting of approximately 50 Muslim social workers, mental health professionals and counsellors in Washington, D.C. Visionary founders of ISSA are the late Dr. Maryam Funches (left), Dr. Aneesah Nadir (middle), and Shahina Siddiqui (right), she is nominated for Volunteer Executive Director for ISSA Canada and USA.

Owing to limited funds, ISSA'a first office is located at the home of ISSA President, Shahina Siddiqui. ISSA operations begin thereafter with one full-time Volunteer Executive Director, one part-time volunteer and a governing board.
Islamic Social Services Association is granted charitable status in the U.S.
On April 21-23, the First Annual International Con ference on Muslim Social Issues is held in Toronto, Ontario.
The First ISSA Fundraiser is held in Toronto, Ontario.
Five Annual International Conferences on Muslim \Social Issues are convened in Toronto, Montreal, Detroit, Toledo, and Tempe.
October: First ISSA Open House is held at the University of Winnipeg; Launch of ISSA's Public Awareness Project. ISSA unveils seven publications for each sector of service.
ISSA splits into two sister and independent organizations: one in the U.S. and one in Canada.
ISSA is granted charitable status in Canada.
ISSA is offered shared space at 412 McDermot Avenue with the Social Planning Council of Winnipeg.
Recognizing the needs for Muslim women to have an organization dedicated to direct services - and after four years of planning and organization - ISSA founds and launches CANADIAN MUSLIM WOMEN'S INSTITUTE (CMWI). ISSA shares office with space with CMWI at their McDermot location.
First ISSA staff member is hired
After School Program/Summer Camp for Muslim Youth is launched.
Multimedia Campaign is funded through the Welcoming Communities Initiative and the Government of Manitoba (Labour and Immigration). This Campaign is launched to educate Manitobans and to address racism against Muslims through informational billboards, school posters and bus ads.
ISSA hosts its first Oppen House to celebrate Eid-Ul-Fitr at its shared office space with Social Planning Council of Winnipeg (412 McDermot Avenue Location)
On April 3, 2019, ISSA Celebrates its 10th-anniversary Dinner, honoring Richard Frost, CEO of the Winnipeg Foundation, with the Ihsan Award.
ISSA moves to a new location: 201-72 Princess Street.
ISSA initiates the establishment of the Canadian Muslim Leadership Institute (CMLI).
ISSA undertakes Public Education Campaign and Multicultural Bridge Building events, which include "Multiculturalism in Theory and Practise;" a seminar entitled, "Manitoba Muslims and Jews: Standing Together for an Inclusive & Just Canada;" and a "Public Square Series: Four Conversation Cafes" designed to connect Muslim and newcomer communities with Indigenous, Japanese, Filipino and Mennonite communities.
October 26, 2014: First Multicultural Tea Fest is held at the Franco-Manitoban Cultural Centre.
With the growth of its operations and programs, ISSA makes a parallel move into a larger office space at the same location at 201-72 Princess Street.
In August, Preventive Family Support Service (PFSS) is launched.
ISSA rebrands itself with a new logo.
SSA launches a Cultural Competency Training Series, designed for specific sectors in response to the influx of Syrian refugees.
24 Intern and Practicum Students hosted
ISSA is most noted for its Cultural Competency Training, which is specifically designed for various social services and educational sectors.
To date, ISSA has published 29 information guides, brochures and booklets.
ISSA conducts Summer Camps for Muslim Kids & Youth.
CMWI is now an independent organization with its own governing board.
ISSA now has one full-time volunteer Executive Director, two part-time employees, two full-time employees, numerous volunteers and a governing board
Ihsan Awards are presented honouring Tom Denton, Rick Frost, Terry McLeod, Carol Sanders, Brenda Suderman, and the Bear Clan Patrol.
October 16 - 3d Multicultural Tea Fest is held at the Franco-Manitoban Cultural Centre
March 18, Family Night at Winnipeg Grand Mosque: Canadian Muslim Identity
March 21-22, At the Heart of Human Rights, is Human Dignity National Conference
October 15, 4th Tea Fest is held at the Franco-Manitoban Cultural Centre.
October 17, Our Canada, One Canada: Winnipeg Rally for Unity against Fear
November 16, Free Public Forum on Islamophobia: Recognize, Resist, Respond: Unveiling the Truth Quebec’s Religious Law & Islamophobia
March 10, Fundraising Dinner: Clinic in Uganda
October, 5th Tea Fest is held at the Franco-Manitoban Cultural Centre.
ISSA moved office to a new location in 191 Lombard Avenue.
ISSA moved office to a new location in 191 Lombard Avenue.
ISSA moved office to a new location in 191 Lombard Avenue.
ISSA moved office to a new location in 191 Lombard Avenue.
ISSA moved office to a new location in 191 Lombard Avenue.
ISSA moved office to a new location in 191 Lombard Avenue.
ISSA moved office to a new location in 191 Lombard Avenue.
ISSA moved office to a new location in 191 Lombard Avenue.
Islamic Social Services Association Inc (ISSA) is established in at a meeting of approximately 50 Muslim social workers, mental health professionals and counsellors in Washington, D.C. Visionary founders of ISSA are the late Dr. Maryam Funches (left), Dr. Aneesah Nadir (middle), and Shahina Siddiqui (right), she is nominated for Volunteer Executive Director for ISSA Canada and USA.